vendredi 3 janvier 2014

" The curse of being born a girl " Today , one hundred million women fail in Asia.

It should have been a scene of jubilation, a moment of happiness, giving birth to a child in a clinic on the outskirt of Delhi in India. But for the mother, it's consternation: the baby is a girl. The face of the young mother's closes up. "It's human nature to prefer boys said the midwife . Isn't it like that in your country? "

In "The Curse of being born a girl", a documentary awarded in 2006 by the Prize Albert-Londres, Manon Loizeau and Alexis Marant investigated the bleeding of a new kind, a violent discrimination that leads to unnatural selection, and worse to murder. Today, one hundred million women fail in Asia, either because they are not born or they have been killed at birth. Infanticide occurs in the privacy of homes, driven by poverty, religious beliefs and misogyny. In southern India, a woman who does not condemn her daughter to die is banished from the village community. It is this drama described by the film about the "missings", which may be two hundred million in twenty -five years, according to alarming projections of the UN and UNICEF.


The authors have achieved the feat of shooting in five weeks - three in India, one in Pakistan and one in China - what they called "Filming the invisible". To make palpable this mass phenomenon of "missing women", the two journalists went in dozens of villages populated mostly of boys and men, as if in the family photo, the girls had been excluded. It took a long tedious work of approach with the help of interpreters and specialized NGOs to get women willing to confide. The challenge was to bring forth the buried pain. Such as the mother of two girls who tells how she poisoned with tobacco juice, her third daughter born ten years ago. The astrologer of the village had told her that her husband would die if the baby was kept alive.

In India, this practice banned since 1960 continues to thrive in the fertile soil of superstitions and Hindu traditions. This negative attitude is compounded by the persistence of dowry system, while in China, a country proning only one child, the boy is the sole heir of property. Otherwise, the property will be passed onto a cousin.

Although condemned by Islam, the practice of removing girls has increased in Pakistan with impoverishment. In twenty years, the Edhi Foundation found in ditches and cities' garbage dumps, an horrendous amount of dead infants and collected 30,000 abandoned girls. Like this little girl found one evening starving in the bush of a park; one of the most dramatic scenes of this documentary, which delivers overwhelming numbers, because the selection is increased by the widespread access to ultrasound. 80% of the six million abortions performed each year in India would be driven by the pregnancies of girls, a very lucrative market for physicians.


Manon Loizeau and Alexis Marant -

The Headscarf (or Veil), an ancient alienation from Mohamed Kacimi, published in Libération on 10 December, 2003 (free translation from the French)

Translation of Mohamed Kacimi article: Veil or Headscarf, an ancient alienation

Posted on December 10, 2003 at 02:16 in Libération: Voile, une aliénation antique.

When we know the little attention or concessions granted by the left and rightwing political class to the Muslim community in France, we are surprised by its sensitivity, its thoughtfulness and its concern of rhetoric in this case of the veil. Convinced, for my part, one cannot speak of respect for the freedom of religion or belief when it comes to imposing a sign of debasement to girls and women in public spaces, I went by curiosity, to meet teachers and activists in several cities in France. Every time I asked, they were all convinced of the relevance and urgency of a law, but told me on a confidential tone  "Yes, we know, but we cannot. You know, the poor ... "

Everyone will understand that by "poor " they understand that this community was first dragged through the mud during the colonial period, and then short changed since the famous Marche des Beurs (beurs = French nationals of North African descent). However, conceding those people the veil, this instrument of alienation, will not be a compensation.

Whence this story of the veil? An ancient Semitic belief was considering the hair as a reflection of the pubic hair ! This belief was so prevalent in Eastern countries, especially in Mesopotamia, it ended up having the force of law. This way, the veil became mandatory in the twelfth century BC by the king of Assyria, Tiglath Phalazar 1: "Married women will not have their heads uncovered. Prostitutes will not be veiled." It was seventeen centuries before Muhammad and this was in Assyria, today's Iraq.

In the Hebrew Bible, there is no trace of this custom, but the Jewish tradition has long held that a woman must cover their hair before men as a sign of modesty. It is not until the advent of Christianity that the veil became a theological obligation  prior to the relationship between the woman and God. It was St. Paul who first imposed the veil on women, putting forward strictly religious arguments. In the Epistle to the Corinthians, he writes: "Every woman who prays or speaks under the inspiration of God without a veil on her head, commits the same offense, as if her head was shaved. So if a woman does not wear a veil , she should shave her head, or rather put a veil, since it is a mistake for a woman to have her hair shorn or shaved." And further, "...Man, he should not cover his head; he is the image and the glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. For it is not the man who was pulled from the woman, but woman from man , and man was not created for woman, but woman for man. That's why women should cover her head as a mark of servitude to the man".  The Church will use it against women, to consider them as inferior creatures by nature and by law. Thus we can notice that initially the veil is used as an instrument of segregation that made women inferior beings, not only towards the man but also towards God. It is interesting to note that this passage from Corinthians is taken today by most Islamist websites which glorify the headscarf.

Islam was born seven centuries later. The Koran dedicates the veil these passages : " ..... and tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their modesty and not display their ornaments except what appears thereof and to draw the fabric material of their veil on their chests . " Holy Qur'an (24:31) . Finally in Sura 33 Al- Ahzab ( the Confederates ) , in verse 59, it says: "Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and to wifes of the believers to draw around them large piece of fabric, they will be quickly recognized and not molested " Qur'an (33: 59).

Without being too pointillist like the Orthodox, I'll point out that nowhere in these Suras, it is explicitly mentioned veil (hijab ) covering the face, hiding the hair and even less the whole body. In the first Sura, the Qur'an simply calls the believers to cover their breasts. The very serious Encyclopaedia of Islam (LEYDE Editions ) provides this explanation: "In pre-Islamic Arabia, a tribal custom was that during battles, women rise above the dunes and show their breasts to their warrior husbands to excite their fighting spirit and keep them coming back alive to enjoy these charms." The verse in question would have inspired the Prophet to establish a new moral order among the tribes. Regarding the second verse, it has been the object of lectures and controversies, and one of the most interesting being that of a great imam during the golden age of Baghdad in the ninth century. He made this original reading " the Lord has recommended the veil only to the wives of the Prophet, any Muslim woman who would wear the veil would be wrongly taken for the Prophet's wife and therefore would be sentenced to 80 whip lashes." From then on, the veil became the hallmark of rich urban ladies, but remained unknown in rural areas where men didn't want their women veiled, impeding them in their heavy works.

This is the 1979 Iranian Revolution which led to generalize the wearing of veil. The hijab, innovation straight out of Islamist tailors' head, supplanted in the Maghreb the traditional Haïk, a square of white cloth. Of course, these are the signs of an Arabo-Muslim society in crisis, without a project, without prospects, subject to totalitarian regimes and whose only breathing space of utopia is religion. Pierre Bourdieu explained that in colonial Algeria, the colonized man reflected on the woman all the violence he had suffered in the hands of the colonizer. Now the Muslim man throws back at the woman all the chaos of the planetary crisis he is suffering.  In these countries without freedom , Islam works as an eschatology. It has become a kind of propaedeutic of death. It erases all the asperities of life and only dangles the pleasures of "its vast paradise."

Here is also the question of the place of Islam in the Other . Unlike Judaism, which was forged in exile, or Christianity which invented itself during the persecutions, Islam came to the world as a state religion and a religion of conquest. It was not often a minority and the place it has given to other religions was not an example of tolerance. So we have to end up this parity of religious symbols. In Rome or Jerusalem, those who have forgotten their cross or Star of David are not lapidated, however, from Tehran to Khartoum, from Kabul to Casablanca every day women are raped, are sprayed with vitriol, killed, flogged, or dismissed because they have not covered their face and body. The hijab is the "yellow star" of Muslim women, and any Muslim woman is a Jewish fundamentalist that every man dreams to imprison five times a day. The hijab is the virtual deletion and abolition of the woman. All fundamentalist writings argue, " the veil is mandatory because it should hide the woman's aoura." That is to say that her whole body is perceived as a shameful part. The Hijab fills up the function assigned by Paul two thousand years ago; thus notifying to the woman in public that she is an inferior being, good enough to be shorn and muzzled. Any pubescent girl is seen as a shameful part. From age 8 on, she is educated to perceive herself as a potential sexual object to be hidden from the lustful eyes of the crowd. Behind every veil , there are three thousand years of hatred towards the woman watching us. Tolerate the veil, is to deliver a generation of girls bound and gagged in the hands of brothers and fathers who are eager to impose this outfit of infamy.


Finally, what will we do tomorrow, we citizens of Muslim background who fled our country because of religious dictatorship, of lack of democracy, we who have chosen France to find refuge, and to be become our country?  What will we do when our daughters at public school will be called whores and be dragged in basement to be gang rapped because they don't wear the Hijab?  And our boys will called impious for not having observed in school canteens ? Not giving up in the matter of veil is doing a great service to Islam; it's teaching Islam as not the only religion but one of the others and that France or Europe are not lands of conquest but territories of sharing.

We clearly have in the religious texts a hatred of women; the idea that man is the image of the monotheistic god and the woman is the image of nothing, she is literally without a soul, a thing, an object to hide, diabolical and evil that must be muzzled, beaten and treated as subhuman

In the Qur'an, for having read it, there is actually not a single sura about wearing a veil on the hair but a veil to put on attires, on the chest and on private parts, but there again, those racists , full of hatred have decided to stigmatize, to destroy the woman, turning her into a sub-being.

The woman is still in the 21st Century, the only person subjected to a slavery code. She belongs to the family, specifically to the man, she is a kind of object that can be coupled, which can be killed, she is forbidden to have a free sexual life, the message is clear your body belongs to us, as it was done with the slaves in the Antiquity !

And in the early 21st century, we see people, mainly from the leftwing, defend this infamy in the name of democracy, it is an abomination, it is Kafkaesque, Orwellian to see that we use the democracy, which principles is equal rights between men and women, to impose an ideology which proclaimed dogma is inequality between men and women and a wild desire to make women a thing, to turn her into a non-existent thing, formless, lifeless.




jeudi 10 octobre 2013

The Infidels

Posted by one of the most famous lawyers in France (Maître Collard)
As demonstrated by the following lines, I was forced to realize the extreme difficulty of defining
what an infidel is. choose between Muslims, Christians and Jews, Islam is by far the the fastest growing religion fast in our country.


Last month , I attended the annual refresher course  in order to renew my security clearance in prisons. The course presentation was done by four speakers representing the Catholic religion, Protestant, Jewish and respectively Muslim, explaining the fundamentals of their respective doctrines. it is with particular interest that I awaited the presentation of the Imam.

The Imam's presentation was remarkable, accompanied by a video projection. Following the presentations, the time came for questions / answers, when it was my turn, I asked:


- "Please correct me if I am mistaken, but I understand that most Imams and religious authorities have declared Jihad (holy war ) against the infidels of the world, and that by killing an infidel (which is an obligation for all Muslims ) they are assured of going to heaven. In this case, could you give me the definition of what an infidel is?"

Without any objection to my interpretation and without hesitation, the Imam replied:

- " non-Muslim"!


I retorted: "So let me make sure I understand correctly: All worshipers of Allah should obey the command to kill anyone who does not belong to your religion, to earn their place in heaven, is it correc?"


His face showed that until a confident expression authority suddenly turned into that of a brat caught with his hand in the cookie jar and in a whisper, he replied:.


- "That's right"


I continued: " Well, I have a hard time trying to imagine the Pope Francis I urging all Catholics to kill your coreligionists or Pastor Stanley doing the same and guaranting the Protestants a place in heaven."


The Imam was left speechless!

I continued: "I also have difficulties to consider myself your friend when you and your colleagues to encourage your faithfuls to kill me! "


Just another question: " Will you choose to follow Allah who orders you to kill me and so making sure you'll get to heaven, OR the Christ who makes me love and earn my place in heaven , because he wants me to be in your company? "


You could have heard a pin drop while the Imam remained silent.  Needless to say, the organizers and promoters of the seminar Training did not particularly like my way of dealing with the Minister of Islamic worship and expose some truths about the dogmas of this religion. Over the next thirty years, there will be enough Muslim voters in the country to have a government of their choice, with the application of the Sharia law as a law. It appears to me that all citizens of this country should be able to read these lines, but with the justice system and combined liberal media in fashion insane politically correct , there is no chance that the text be
widely published . That is why I ask you to distribute it to all the contacts in your internet .

Maître Gilbert Collard